the life of a microgreen

It all starts with a seed. A seed is similar to a battery in that it stores energy (in the form of starch) until it is needed. When the seed takes up lots of water, the seed coat bursts and triggers the process of germination. The first organ to pop out of the seed is the root followed by a shoot tip that will eventually grow the first set of leaves.


At this stage of germination, starch is being broken down as an energy source for the developing seedling, leading to a higher concentration of digestible nutrients. Bonus – germination also breaks down another compound that normally inhibits the absorption of vitamins and minerals within the body called phytate. Cue sprouts!


By eating sprouts, you are taking advantage of this natural process. While the ratio of nutrient density varies by variety, sprouts generally have higher levels of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K than their adult counterparts. According to Emily Ho, a nutrition professor and director of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, “you can eat 50 cups of broccoli, or a single cup of broccoli sprouts for similar nutrition and benefit”.

Don’t worry! Our journey doesn’t end here.


At this point in the plant’s life, it has used up most of that stored seed energy and has just enough left to start growing its first set of leaves called cotyledons. The cotyledons are like the plant’s baby leaves and normally look very different from all of the leaves that will follow (which are called “true” leaves). Now, the plant moves the location of nutrient storage to its new baby leaves – aka microgreens!


Microgreens also take advantage of the plant’s natural germination process of improved digestibility and nutrient density without all the risk. With microgreens, you are harvesting the parts of the plant that aren’t growing in a risky (sprout-friendly) environment. In addition to being much safer than sprouts, microgreen nutrient levels are also extremely concentrated – up to 40% greater than mature plants!


Microgreens are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals offering a wide range of health benefits.


In addition to nutrients, microgreens are also packed with flavor. So much flavor! Microgreens typically take on a more intense yet clean flavor when compared to mature plants allowing for a little to go a long way. Plant-based sprinkles anyone?


So, what happens to these little baby leaves (aka microgreens) if we don’t eat them?


​Just like baby teeth, the plant will eventually lose its cotyledons to make room for its adult leaves. It’s the circle of life! Believe it or not, you actually have one more chance to eat them and reap the rewards.


The easiest way to view baby greens is as more fully developed microgreens (yet still very far from being a completely mature plant). At this stage, the plant has started photosynthesis and begins to develop its first true leaves that resemble a smaller version of the adult foliage that you would expect.


As the leaves get bigger, their flavor gets slightly less potent. Baby greens generally have a milder flavor than microgreens and taste more similar to the adult plant. However, at this still very young stage of the plant, the nutrients remain concentrated within the small developing leaves offering a wide range of health benefits.


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